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Sports Safety Tips
April is National Facial Protection Month, a perfect time to promote awareness of how to be safe during sports. According to Medscape, sports-related facial injuries account for eight percent of all facial soft tissue injuries, with between 11 and 40 percent of all sports injuries involving the face – most often due to direct hits with a ball or as a result of player-to-player contact.
It’s important to play it safe during recreational and organized sports in order to prevent painful and serious facial injuries that take all the fun out of the game. Heed these five simple safety tips.
Organized sports that have the most oral injuries include:
Many cases of facial trauma are also increasingly seen in unorganized or pickup sports activities.
About 12 million people between the ages of 5 and 22 suffer a sport-related injury every year, leading to 20 million lost days of school and $33 billion in healthcare costs. Many of these injuries could be prevented with protective gear. That’s why athletes should use a properly fitted mouth guard and consider it an essential piece of their protective equipment.
Talk with your dentist about what kinds of activities you enjoy and how you can best protect yourself.
We would be happy to fit you with a custom mouth guard or provide recommendations on how to protect your teeth from youth and adult sports. To make an appointment, contact us at 818-762-2977 or fill out our convenient online form.