A dental crown is a device that fits over an entire tooth. Dental crowns are often installed when a patient has teeth that are weak or damaged, and need structural support in order to maintain full functionality. This usually occurs due to decay. Crowns are also used to hold dental bridges in place, to cover implants, and for optional cosmetic improvements.
Crowns can either be temporary or permanent. Permanent crowns can be made from porcelain, metal, resin, or porcelain fused with metal. The process for installing permanent crowns involves two appointments with Studio City Dental Center. During the first appointment, the patient’s teeth will be evaluated to determine whether or not a crown is the best option. Once this is confirmed, the patient’s tooth will then be prepared for the installation of the crown. Depending on the condition of the tooth, this can involve either filing away part of the tooth or filling in a missing part of the tooth so the crown can fit. Once the tooth is prepared, the dentist will then make an impression of the tooth after which the permanent crown will be modeled. During the week or so that it takes for the center to receive the permanent crown, the patient will wear a temporary crown to protect the prepared tooth.At the second session, the patient’s temporary crown will be removed and the permanent crown will be inserted. Permanent crowns can last from 5 to 15 years, depending on the amount of wear and stress they are exposed to.
If you have any dental defects that you would like covered with a crown, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. K at Studio City Dental Center and schedule an appointment. Cosmetic dentistry is a great option for those who don’t wish to be limited by unattractive dental issues.