Root Canal Therapy
Are you suffering from severe tooth or gum pain especially when you chew or expose the area to hot or cold food/drink?
We can evaluate you to see whether tooth decay has reached a level that even a tooth filling may not heal, in which case root canal therapy may be the best solution.
What is a root canal?
When tooth decay is severe enough to reach the nerve-filled pulp of the tooth, a root canal is necessary. The pulp of a tooth is a soft area at the core of the tooth, and is filled with nerves that connect to the root of a tooth through the root canal. When this area becomes infected, it can be a source of continuing toothaches and severe pain.
The procedure
- During a root canal, the infected pulp of a tooth is removed. Besides sensing temperature, the nerves in a tooth don’t really serve much purpose. You will likely get local anesthesia.
- Then the pulp of a tooth is slowly filed away while periodically flushing away the debris with either sodium hypochlorite or water.
- Then the tooth is sealed.
If you are suffering from prolonged toothaches, severe tooth pain, or uncomfortably intense dental sensitivity to heat and cold, we can help determine whether or not a root canal procedure is necessary.