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No one wants to think about oral infections. They can be dangerous and even life threatening. This is why it’s important to raise awareness of dental infection control measures. Stay healthy during National Dental Infection Control Awareness Month this September.
The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) leads the charge for the annual Dental Infection Control Awareness Month in September. This month-long campaign is designed to promote and inform people of the risk of oral infections, reinforcing the dental community’s commitment to infection control through the adoption of CDC guidelines. Your dentist at Studio City Dental is committed to practicing safe dental protocols within the office to promote optimal oral health for all patients.
In a word, yes. A tooth infection starts to form when a cavity or gingivitis (mild gum disease) is left unchecked. Both conditions are highly treatable when treated early, but if you let it go too far, these conditions will result in serious health problems that can affect your entire body. For example, an abscess can form from an untreated cavity or gum disease. This infection in the root or between the gums can spread and invade the bone that provides support to the tooth. It can also spread bacteria into the bloodstream and heart valves, which can lead to life-threatening conditions. During a bi-yearly exam, your dentist can often spot an infection early on, before it becomes a bigger problem.
Some of the signs and symptoms of oral infections include the following. If you notice any of these, schedule an appointment with your dentist immediately:
Do you have any signs of the above? If so, you could have a dental infection. It’s important to be seen by your dentist right away. Contact us at 818-762-2977.