Join us! We will share tips, strategies, and ideas for improving your smile and improving your life. We truly believe a beautiful smile is your biggest asset.
If you’re new to dentures, one of your first concerns may be how best to eat with them. Dentures, man-made appliances that act as replacements for missing teeth, are sometimes known as false teeth. But don’t let that reference get you down. Dentures have come a long way since your grandpa’s dentures.
That being said, even though they are custom molded to fit your mouth, they can take some getting used to, at least in the first few weeks. You’ll probably generate more saliva and you’ll notice that they slip around just a bit. You may even have some sore spots while your mouth starts to heal.
It can take a little bit of time to adjust to life with dentures. Your facial muscles will begin adapting to new patterns and sensations as you learn how to chew with those dentures in. It’s important to start slowly and choose softer foods that are easy to eat until your dentures have settled in and you regain comfort and confidence in eating solid foods again.
Take it easy and remember that a little soreness should be expected as the muscles in your tongue and mouth become used to keeping your new dentures in place.
Once you have become completely adjusted to wearing and chewing with dentures, you should be able to return to your normal diet. Just keep in mind you may find some foods that you used to eat with ease will just always be difficult to eat, such as foods that are sticky, hard or have small, hard particles.
Even if you have well-fitting dentures and a strong mouth, eat the following foods with care:
It’s important to remember that eating a healthy diet requires the ability to chew your food. This isn’t always easy, especially if you’ve just been fitted for new dentures. But, as long as you follow these tips and give yourself time, you will soon be chewing and eating normally within a few weeks.
Don’t hesitate to visit your dentist if you have mouth sores that don’t heal, continuing pain, or issues with the dentures themselves.
If you’re looking for an easy solution when it comes to a removable option that improves your smile, please contact us today for an appointment at 818-762-2977.