Join us! We will share tips, strategies, and ideas for improving your smile and improving your life. We truly believe a beautiful smile is your biggest asset.
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We offer complete dental implants here at Studio City Dental Center because we want to ensure our patients have a gorgeous smile and a strong bite. There are several types of patients who might consider getting dental implants:
Patients with bone loss or shrinkage in the jawbone
Patients who need one or more teeth removed due to decay
Patients with extensively decayed dental roots
Patients experiencing constant problems with dentures
Patients with a missing tooth due to an accident or congenital defect
Patients with a large gap between their teeth.
In the past, few patients wanted this procedure because it was considered time-consuming and expensive. Now, however, getting one or more dental implants is a simple process at a dentist’s office. New advances make it easier for patients with different conditions to have implants placed in their mouths quickly and inexpensively. And there are significant benefits to having dental implants rather than full or partial dentures. Dental implants remain in the gum tissue to provide a natural looking appearance when talking or smiling. In addition, dental implants provide a sturdy biting surface for consuming foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables.
Scheduling a thorough examination with us at Studio City Dental Center in California is the first step toward getting dental implants. Through quick and easy medical imaging tests, we can see your facial and oral cavity structure and can learn whether you are a good candidate for dental implants. Many patients can have implants right away with little discomfort and fast healing time, while others may need some preliminary treatment to improve the structure of the mouth’s bones and ligaments, which are necessary to hold the implants firmly in the gum tissue. Talk to us to see what your teeth need!